Not about Deen+Dunya! It’s about Deen over Dunya

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Marital Status
West Midlands
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me

As’salaam Alaikum Jazakallah for reading my profile. I hope you are in the best of health and imaan Ameen

I reverted to Islam on 05/11/2005. I was always God Conscious, used to go Church and Allah blessed me with Islam

I’m very close to my family especially my mother alhamdulillah. Being a revert, I appreciate that my family understand my belief in Islam. I have 2 boys 10 and 16 years of age. They don’t live with me.

I pray regularly.

I don’t smoke, drink, club, pub. I have no interest in this kind of stuff, this also includes drugs and substance abuse of any kind. I shouldn’t have to mention this but I just wanted to point this out and put emphasis on this as it’s rife.

I think deep, feel deep and talk deep but this also depends on the company. If i am able to be myself around You it will/would build a solid bond In Sha Allah. this is what I would desire from my Wife to be In Sha Allah

I work very hard. I’m not lazy and I hardly watch TV unless I’m watching a movie. or Netflix. I was hooked on Turkish series Ertugrul and watched it loadz. I like listening talks on YouTube most favourite speaker is Brother Hoblos He hits home speaks real says it how it is Alhamdulillah and I also like listening to Quran.

Reading is something that interests me alot especially Islamic Literature. I just dont read as much as I should but inshallah this will increase. I do read Quran in English but thats not really reading Quran astaghfirullah. I’m still glad I do.

I enjoy spending time in the home as well as going out, the usual going out to eat but I also love cooking and yes I do clean as well. I’m quite house proud even though I don’t like putting the dishes away once they are washed. Its just something I do not really like doing, Weird I know!

When I’m out the house I’ve gone mountain trekking, climbed Ben Nevis Twice. Scotland is a beautiful place especially the areas where I’m jumping off cliffs into lakes. I get a bit of an adrenaline rush and I’m definitely not shy being in the outdoors.

I would like to go on walks hand in hand with You. I know it sounds cheesy but it is what it is, I want this with You I feel it would be sweet. I like nature as it’s got a calming relaxing feel to it and you get to appreciate Allah’s creation Alhamdulillah and the fresh air is different compared to the city. Even just sitting in the garden on a swinging chair is quite relaxing and very peaceful Alhamdulillah.

I would like to get to know You on a deep level. Marriage is a blessing but there has to be compassion, respect and care. TRUST, LOYALTY and HONESTY...I’m sorry but I’ve read these on so many profiles these should not even have to be mentioned. I mention all this because im talking from experience I know what I want and how I desire to be with my wife, it never happened maybe Allah has other plans for me but I have Yakeen he has my best interest at heart 💯%. So I am waiting for the Woman who Allah has my name written next to hers in Sha Allah

Marriage is a compromise. A couple get married, the man wants to sleep with the window open and the woman wants to sleep with the window closed. This compromise is needed in any marriage and cannot be one sided as that’s not a healthy relationship.

Not sure what Allah has planned for me but it’s for me to do my bit and my duas and leave the rest to Allah. Hence if I do instant chat You, my intention is genuine, well I knew what It is and Allah knows Alhamdulillah.

I never was the study type. I’ve always worked very hard and I would like to say I have a good work ethic.

I have a good heart and want to try and keep it in check. Deen helps with this Alhamdulillah. Id be lost without Islam it guides me in life.

Islam is my Deen. It is very close to my heart and important to me. I try to implement as much of the little I know and I just try and do as much as Allah has blessed me with Alhamdulillah. I think to myself Born into a Hindu family Was Christian by faith and Then Allah blessed me with Islam and I was trying to prove it Wrong Subhan Allah. This makes tears come to my eyes Allah granted me the one true Gift that no money can Buy. I try and pray Tahajjud regularly even though in recent days it’s becoming a struggle but this is up and down; consistency is key and I’m working on it.

I would be willing to do everything for my wife. As the saying goes, I’m the kind of guy that would go above and beyond and I would appreciate the same in return. I don’t ask for much Just want someone that understands me and will match my effort.

I’m a simple guy with a big heart. I get told I wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m not tight or selfish. I do not get on with Stingy people 🥴

No one is perfect but I’m 100% willing to take on board any advice you may want to give as long as it’s done with respect as disrespect rarely motivates anyone to do anything.

By the way, the only Social Media I have is Whatsapp, nothing else it’s a waste of time and I’m old fashioned like that; I’d just rather talk or text.

I’m not photogenic at all I get told I look better in person 🥴. I have grown my beard Alhamdulillah. It’s the Sunnah of the best of creation ﷺ. I read some profiles that say well groomed, not sure if that means beard well groomed or no beard!

I would desire someone Islamically inclined as I say it’s not Deen and Dunya its Deen over Dunya. I feel we probably may not have much in common otherwise. Or we may have Alot in common and help each other with Deen, this is important.
May Allah bless us all and put Barakah in our searches for our future partners. Connect us me you the ummah with the ones our souls are searching for Ameen

Not travelled much but it’s something I would definitely like to do more with You In Sha Allah

Job wise I have always been blessed Alhamdulillah, I have a decent Job Allah Huma Barik.

When I started typing this profile I didn’t have a clue what to say, so apologies if it was long or if I bore you. I tried to cover as much as I could and give a genuinely true reflection of myself. Sometimes I think if it was not for Islam how lost would I be…

Allah already knows what I want and desire but as He is the owner of sustenance, not just money or wealth I mean my wife who I desire to be my life In Sha Allah. I am leaving it to my Rabb as Allah knows best what is good for me.

I would be happy to find someone that I click with so that we could be there for each other mentally, emotionally, physically financially and sexually. I mean no disrespect but emphasis on the latter as this is of No interest to some people. I will desire this from my wife, so I would want her to desire it also. Age to me is just a number and I would marry someone older than me just as I would marry someone younger. I would like to get on with You and be each other’s best friends 🤲🏽.

Looks are important but they mean Zilch if there’s no personality click. I wouldn’t really communicate with anyone I don’t see a future with and I would prefer to talk to one person to sincerely invest time and get to know her.

I understand we would not be perfect; no one is. I’m more than willing to accept someone’s flaws and mishaps just as I would like them to except mine. Nothing major but two individuals will never always agree on everything but understanding and respecting each other helps Alhamdulillah.

Marriage is a compromise. We take the good with the bad but respect is a big thing to me. I feel you cannot truly get close to someone if they cannot respect you. Hopefully having this quality In Sha Allah would lead to them loving you.

It would be nice to desire a woman who takes my feelings and emotions into account as this is how I would be with You. I feel this is very important.

I self reflect on my character alot. So I am always trying to improve and be a better person. I am not where I need to be but I am not where I used to be either. Alhumdulillah needed to change could come across quite harsh and abrupt meant well, but certain things could be worded differently.

Sometimes I may not say things in the best way. I’d want my wife to get to know me and understand me as well as my heart and see me for who I am and that the good definitely outweighs the bad. I would want her to know that my heart could not be content knowing I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings let alone her’s.

No one wants to not feel wanted. I mean it’s best not to be with anyone that makes you feel this way especially if the feelings are not reciprocated. It’s best not to continue communicating.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would like my future wife to understand me for me. I’m far from perfect. actually im imperfect but for the right person inshallah I will be imperfectly perfect. I have a lot to give and I pray Allah allows me to be with the woman that is good for me and me for her. Hopefully we will grow to love each other. Love is a gift from Allah. May Allah put love in the hearts of both of us Ameen 🤲🏽♥️

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
25,000 - 50,000
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
I have two children
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United Kingdom
West Midlands
My Height
1.78m (5' 10")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
High school
Subject I Studied
Leisure and Tourism
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Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?